Partner and Cooperation
Good news for all pilots with an upcoming ICAO language proficiency test: our industry is finally going digital here! In order to facilitate the next renewal of your language certificate we have partnered with This new test provider is certified under the Austria based language training body LTB112.
Pilots can take their language test online and gain their qualification up to level 6 within only 45 minutes. The entire process is EASA certified and therefore accepted by any CAA in all EASA member states. Different testing formats are available to ensure you automatically receive the highest language proficiency level which you qualify for. Use the voucher code „say21u-1“ and receive an extra 10 € discount for your upcoming language proficiency test with!
“Qur Full Motion Simulator is an ultra-modern 6-DOF simulator that offers you an unforgettable flight experience. Experience the movements, sounds and vibrations you would feel in a real aircraft. Our simulator is realistically designed down to the smallest detail, giving you the opportunity to experience flying from the perspective of a real pilot.”
Thanks to our cooperation with Pelesys, a CAE Company, we are able to offer technical CBT for all common airliner and operational CBT for LVO, Cold and Hot Weather OPS, AUPRT, CFIT, Cosmic Radiation, NAT / HLA OPS, CPDLC / ADS OPS, CRM, Dangerous Goods, ETOPS, FRM, PBN, GNSS, Introduction to Command, etc. The programs comply with EASA regulations. Please contact us for a detailed offer.
For current job offers please also refer to our partner organization “interpersonal” on their website Here you have the possibility to save your personal data (cv) and for applications.
Together with our Partner ATO TFC EAS we would like to offer the following training:
Available on different aircraft models. Please contact us to receive a non-binding offer.